Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday update - what an amazing day!

Hola! Miguel E here...
ok - that is all the Spanish you will get! :). It is 9pm'ish here at the Villa, probably still 80 deg.... lots of night noises... a lovely breeze. this is an amazing God place here.

Working backwards to Saturday - I think you all know we had an eventful start...
In case not - Rich unfortunately left his passport on his scanner. :(
So Marla tried to get down to the airport in time, but it was not to be so. Rich, the man of God and world traveler extraordinaire.. looked at us and said . "God has a plan for me not to be with you" and so we left. "Man down" as they say. We leave Rich's story for now...

Our travels were smooth. We arrived, met our team from Ohio (and one person from Indiana), Katie and Dwight and family all there with hugs and smiles... and we all headed to the Villa. The team from Ohio is great. Definitely it is from God they are with us. The bond and relations have built very fast.
We got up today and went to El Faro, the church by La Chureca (the dump). Worship there is an event! Dancing, singing, just loving the lord. Even though most of us don’t speak Spanish, you can’t but help feel their love for God. It is contagious.

Bart spoke at church.. and of course did an amazing job as God used him to take us thru passages in John on the loaves and fishes and feeding 5000, and tying that into how Jesus calls us to have a soft heart, (a forgiving spirit) or we cannot hear his call. Also while there, some of the team helped with the feeding program for the Kids from La Chureca...90 very hungry children. they do amazing work there.
And then there was Rich....
At the end of church - Rich showed up. He had story after story (literally) of people he sat next to at the airport or on planes who he was able to talk to and minister to. Then there were the airport attendants, hotel clerks, reservationists, who all did one thing or another to get him on the 130pm flight out of Seattle, get him a hotel for the night in Huston, and get him on the 9am Sunday flight to Managua. Tt was quite a chain of events that got him there to Managua 18 hours after us. So once again God was good thru that.

We spent the afternoon back at the Via, meeting the girls , having lunch with them, playing games (some very funny games and pictures), and watching a movie with them. Rich told bible stories and combined them with magic tracks. The girls loved them (ok - we all were awed!). The Villa girls are truly amazing in their spirit how the lord has come into their lives, being led by a group of loving adults,(including that McGrew family mentioned earlier), who are all mentoring the girls.
So off tomorrow for La Chureca, and then El Faro for some work and the feeding program help. Pray for our relationships for the men as we may have time with the men from La Chureca Monday night. Pray for Melissa from the Ohio team who had a reaction to her malaria medicine and broke out in hives. And we pray for all of you back home and thank you for your prayers that have got us here. .
Blessings -  The CCF Mens Team

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, Miguel! And thanks for pictures. I'm so glad you arrived finally, Rich, with stories to tell. May you all have an amazing day serving our AMAZING God in that amazing place with amazing people. Praying for you, Marla
