Hola – me llamo Douglitos. El Espanol de mi esposa Maria es muy bien – mi Espanol es muy malo! With that not so dazzling Spanish as a preamble, today was truly a humbling, convicting and inspiring day.
Our group started off the day early – waking up before six – Mike Eslinger and a couple guys from the Ohio team going on a run, the rest of the guys doing a quasi-power walk. For the latter group, what started out as a leisurely stroll outside the Villa turned into an hour long fiasco of getting lost. Humbling.
It was a vivid reminder how easy it is to get lost in life – without Christ–how we can get off track and gradually then suddenly be in a tough predicament. God provided rescue for us in the form of Benjamin and Monica with their Datsun pick-up truck who were gracious to pick us up – no pun intended – and take us back to the Villa.
Today, we experienced for a brief time, a stark contrast to the beautiful and tranquil Villa of which we’re staying. We went to La Chureca – the dump – where over 300 families live in conditions that are in short, appalling. Rusted corrugated metal, black viscquine and materials from the dump serve as the roof, siding and the Nicas live in these paltry homes complete with dirt floors. Somewhat counter-intuitively, the Nicaragua government provides water and electricity – some of the homes actually have TV’s. That being said, the La Chureca community is littered – again no pun intended – with garbage, perpetual stench and filth. It is inhumane and unjust in so many aspects that human beings live in conditions such as La Chureca. Convicting. Seeing La Chureca today – many of us on the team have never seen such poverty firsthand – is a call to action. To give our time, talent and treasures to this cause and the many more causes like La Chureca out there in the world. To be Jesus and to love first as our Lord did throughout his life and ministry. To support the Nicaragua ministry and our CCF missionaries – Katie, Dwight and their three wonderful children, Josh, Maggie and William - living and serving here each and every day in so many effective ways all for the glory of God.
So, back to the day, we spent the morning at La Chureca - visiting and praying for numerous families led by Edgar - one the youth pastors at El Faro church – and Katie. It was really moving seeing the dire circumstances of the people of La Chureca, yet also the joy and smiles that were evident. One of the highlights was a cute little five year old boy named Jason – in pajama bottoms, no shirt, no shoes walking around La Chu
reca seemingly oblivious to the dangerous world he lives in featuring broken glass, sheet metal, syringes and innumerable hazards including a 100 foot cliff. Jason followed us around, constantly in our arms as we walked around La Chureca. It saddened me greatly when time came to leave around mid-day to see Jason sitting on the ground and crying that we were departing.
Our team then left La Chureca and went back to El Faro church of which Katie had plans for splitting up into two different groups: one to stay at El Faro for feeding the children lunch, playing with them as well as a painting project - the other to return to La Chureca for feeding the children lunch as well as a work project to repair a dilapidated kitchen and patio roof structure which serves as a meal place for the children. God had some wonderful things in store for us during the afternoon. Inspiring. Seeing the ministry of El Faro church diligently serving the needs of the La Chureca in such a humble and selfless manner was inspiring. Wilbert & Gloria at the Villa, Pastor Ramon and Miriam at El Faro obviously have a calling for the ministry and while the needs are seemingly endless, to return to the Villa and know that 23 girls have been given a new lease on life to be healed, learn about Jesus all in a peaceful and safe environment.
And so today, we saw hell on earth and just returned to the Villa to experience heaven on earth. God is good – at the time of writing the team are up in the playground playing and dancing with the girls – can hear their laughter and be heartened with God’s work being done down here in Nicaragua. Yet, all this while feeling a conviction that as Christians we all need to pray for his wisdom and that we seek his will in our lives and that we give ourselves away a bit more often.
In closing for the evening, you may be wondering what happened to the little boy Jason. Yet another answer to prayer this trip – I prayed that Jason would return when we came back for the work project in the afternoon such that I could hold him once more. And he did. Our God is great.
that is, the wife of one of them says...Rich, Norm says to tell you he's NOT in Mexico and can do the copying. Another great blog! Thank you team for representing the Lord and us all there. Is Melissa better? May you continue to be blessed and be a blessing. With our prayers, Marla